
Helping people utilize their qualities and potential effectively and aiding prolonged self-development.


AC&T offers trainings directly linked to actual work environments, where individual learning needs and style form the basis. The reasoning for this is that learning needs to deliver visible result. This is why AC&T accentuates practicing skills directly in work situations.

The trainings are aimed at developing skills and enhancing personal performance in the individual organization. One or more competences or personal goals will be the focus of these trainings.

AC&T ensures that these connect with the culture, people and the day-to-day practices.


  • Insight in personal qualities and points of development

  • Insight in limiting thoughts and patterns

  • Understanding one’s communication style and the its influence on the discussion partner

  • More confidence, inner peace and energy


Less talk, more action.

The aims of the training are determined, after which AC&T designs a plan of action. Through practice-oriented exercises, AC&T gets to work with the team. This leads to tools that enhance communication, productivity, and effectiveness. Action, fun, and learning effect take priority.

Training subjects are assertiveness, personal effectiveness and effective impact. In addition, AC&T offers trainings concerning interviewing, coaching and assessing competences.